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Green Clinic
curing or strenghtening

physic and mental health 

 Physical and mental health are interrelated, so a poor mental health or a poor diet
can also contribute to poor physical health.

Two osteopaths, a physiotherapist, a dietician
and a psychologist.


    The osteopath uses an extensive knowledge of anatomy, physiology, neurology and pathology.

    An osteopath makes an inventory of all blockages and mobility limitations in the body that are related to pain. She then looks for the cause of the pain and treats it by means of manipulations, muscular techniques and mobilisations.


    Physiotherapy is the treatment of injury, disease and disorders through physical methods — such as exercise, massage, manipulation and other treatments — over medication and surgery.

    Many people may believe that physiotherapists mainly work with back and sports-related injuries, but that’s not always the case. Physiotherapists are highly trained health professionals who provide treatment for people suffering from physical problems arising from injury, disease, illness and ageing.

    A physiotherapist’s purpose is to improve a person’s quality of life by using a variety of treatments to alleviate pain and restore function or, in the case of permanent injury or disease, to lessen the effects of any dysfunction


    Dietitians interpret the science of nutrition to improve health and treat diseases/conditions by educating and giving practical, personalised advice to clients, patients, carers and colleagues.

    She advises and helps to maintain nutritional status when individuals want to trial dietary interventions such as exclusion diets, nutritional supplementation or dietary interventions in areas such as autism for which evidence is still emerging. She uses recognised methodologies to critically appraise the evidence base which includes all forms of evidence and research to inform their advice.

    She will never offer advice where there would be a personal financial benefit.


    Consultation with a psychologist is necessary when personal problems or questions prevent you from having a satisfactory social life. This concerns both professional and personal relationships.

    Catherine Gildemyn, Osth.

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    1234 Brasschaat


    Mon – Fri: 10am – 9pm
    Weekends: 10am – 3m